年間を通して複数の異なる会議やミーティングでプレゼンテーションを行う場合、斬新なタイトルや見出しを考えることは、興味深い課題となることがあります。 最近の講演のタイトルについて話し合っている時、Iain Andersonと私は歌の歌詞からインスピレーションを得ました。Iainはギルバート&サリバンの「ペンザンスの海賊」に出てくる「Modern Major General song」に合わせて、生物試料分析SEMを表現する詩を作りました。その結果を皆さんと共有できたら楽しいと思いました。
Modern microscopes benefit from advances in technology,
There’s so much more that you can do than measuring morphology,
From 3D work to multi-colour SEM and correlative microscopy,
When doing SEM analysis of samples from biology.
Experiment’s all start with specimen preparation,
And every single step I find there’s so much variation,
To stain, to dry, and how to do the process of fixation,
But freezing is a simple way to keep sample hydration.
A trick you see me sometimes do when imaging an organelle,
Some tissue sample from a rat or really any kind of cell,
For better resolution, and I’m talking ultrastructurally,
Is moderate the beam current and working with a low kV.
With EM we know the textbook’s say that images are always grey,
But now I’m using EDS it’s clear there is another way,
The colour serves to show all the elements endogenous,
And stains come up a different hue so navigation is no fuss.
Insights in SEM analysis of samples biological,
They charge and drift and misbehave so beam conditions critical,
The NanoSuit ™ is simple, elsewise sample prep is tedious,
And if you want more data out then why not try some EDS?